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Node JS Convert String to Integer, ParseInt() Function - Javascript

Cubepost, Jul 31, 2020

Javascript Based - Node JS, Jquery uses ParseInt() function which takes a string and optional radix parameter to convert to integer

Usage of parseInt() in Javascript

The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer in javacript.
 javascript node js jquery typescript 

parseInt(Value string, radix integer);
      Value: [Required, String] String value passed to convert to integer
      radix:  [Optional, Integer] Value 0 - 32, The radix or the base value to be considered 

Simple Usage:

const a = '5';
const b = parseInt(a);
console.log(b); // Output => 5  

Advanced Usage:
Note: parseInt() will output some weird results if there are leading 0's in the string. In older versions , parseInt("03010123"); //output: 790611 
The problem is because older node js or browsers consider the radix defaults to 8 (octal), Currently, now all are radix 10 (decimal) version.

1. Convert numbers to base 8 (octal)

const a = '050';
const b = parseInt(a, 8);  // Base 8
console.log(b); // Output => 40  

2. starting with a character this function gives NaN, Not a number

const a = 'a5';
const b = parseInt(a);
console.log(b); // Output => NaN

3. first occurring of space is considered the end of the integer

const a = '25 60 30';
const b = parseInt(a);
console.log(b); // Output => 25  

4. Leading 0s in Base 10 decimal or default is removed

const a = '00568';
const b = parseInt(a);
console.log(b); // Output => 568

5. Base 8 octal version of string value 10

const a = '10';
const b = parseInt(a, 8);
console.log(b); // Output => 8

Number System: 

Most commonly used number system are listed

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Cubepost, Jul 31, 2020

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